Path to Scale Funding Dashboard
BlogCharting the Path to Scale
New Insights and Emerging Lessons for Donors to Advance Indigenous, Afro-descendant, and Local Communities' Tenure Rights and Forest Guardianship
November 15, 2024
Rights and Resources Initiative & Rainforest Foundation Norway
Updates to the Path to Scale Funding Dashboard
Results from the IPLC Forest Tenure Pledge funding

Kwango province, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Credit: Ley Uwera for The Tenure Facility.
- By protecting PIPs’ land tenure rights, the law is expected to help conserve over 14.5 million hectares of the DRC’s intact forests.
- The law's adoption catalyzed the political recognition of Indigenous rights, including the first mentions of Indigenous Pygmy issues in official presidential addresses. It has also mobilized multiple government ministries to consider PIPs’ rights in development policies and sectoral initiatives, creating a collaborative framework for sustainable development in the DRC.
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This review broadened the historical analysis by including activities with expenditure reporting and newly reported activities. With this update, the team’s manual review has now covered over 20,000 activity entries.
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We report all data, unless otherwise noted, in $US 2020, matching “Falling Short.” Germany’s BMZ reports cumulative expenditures with ongoing revisions, which shift previously reported grants between years and slightly alter annual totals. To address these discrepancies, we now use reported budget schedules to allocate cumulative expenditures. For further details, refer to our methodology.
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Donors vary in the time lag between actual funding and reported amounts. For example, the FTFG annual report is typically published with a 9- to 10-month delay.
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We are providing estimates only for trends likely to remain consistent across different donor types. For instance, due to significant reporting lags among some donor types, we are not forecasting donor type composition for 2024.
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Bezos Earth Fund, Re:wild, Nia Tero, Wellspring Philanthropies, Packard Foundation, The Christensen Fund, SKOLL Foundation, and Synchronicity Earth.
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REPALEAC and Rights and Resources Initiative. 2023. Declaration: The First Subregional Forum of Indigenous and Local Community Women in Central Africa and the Congo Basin. Rights and Resources Initiative, Washington, DC. doi:10.53892/NYNS2594.
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Home Planet Fund does not publicly report disaggregated grant information.
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Amwata, D.A., D.M. Nyariki, and N.R.K. Musimba. 2016. Factors Influencing Pastoral and Agropastoral Household Vulnerability to Food Insecurity in the Drylands of Kenya: A Case Study of Kajiado and Makueni Counties. Journal of International Development 28: 771–787. doi:10.1002/JID.3123.
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ICPALD. 2020. Total Economic Valuation of Pastoralism in Uganda. IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development, Nairobi. Available at:; Government of Uganda. 2014. Draft Rangeland Management and Pastoralism Policy. Animal Industry and Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture, Kampala.
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Mwilawa A.J., D.M. Komwihangilo, and M.L. Kusekwa. 2008. Conservation of Forage Resources for Increasing Livestock Production in Traditional Forage Reserves in Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology 46(1):85–89. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2028.2008.00934.x; Kalenzi, D. 2016. Improving the Implementation of Land Policy and Legislation in Pastoral Areas of Tanzania: Experiences of Joint Village Land Use Agreements and Planning. International Land Coalition, Rome. Available at: