Path to Scale Funding Dashboard

ACTIVITY • Tropics

PPP-ECOS in the Amazon – Phase 2

  • $4.1M:
  • $4.1M:
  • 2019 - 2022
  • Multilateral:
Participating Organization
RoleOrganization NameRole Definition
ImplementingSociety, Population and Nature Institute (ISPN)The organisation that physically carries out the activity or intervention.
Activity Description
CONTEXT In the last two decades, command and control actions were very important for the reduction in the deforestation rates in the Amazon. However, although fundamental, the potential of these are actions to reduce deforestation has been reaching its limit, mainly due to the reduction in the size of deforestation polygons, which hamper the detection by monitoring systems and increase supervision costs. In this scenario, the promotion to projects that support the sustainable use of natural resources is an alternative to address the new dynamics of deforestation and transform the pattern of occupation of the Amazon, which is still heavily based on forest conversion to other land-use systems, such as extensive cattle breeding. Thus, to develop sustainable productive activities that allow environmental conservation is a relevant strategy to pursue the reduction in the deforestation rates in the Amazon and provide income-generating alternatives to people who live in the forest. THE PROJECT The support for the Small Eco-social Projects Program (PPP-ECOS) aims to provide resources and qualification to people who inhabit the region in order to enhance income generation associated with the preservation of the forest. This proposal aims to support PPP-ECOS in the Amazon – Phase 2, continuing the execution of the Program that already had a first project supported with resources from the Amazon Fund. The project is organized into three axes: Public Calls for Small Projects, Strengthening of Community Institutions, and Information Systematization and Dissemination. The release of public calls for small projects is the central axis of the proposal. The other components will strengthen the projects selected with the qualification of the clients, the record of experiences for disclosure and evaluation of results, and the production of technical content in support of community projects, such as knowledge of health conditions. The small projects must fit into one or more fields of the following areas: Economic activities developed from the sustainable use of vegetation: actions for adding value and marketing of agroforestry products. Community processing and marketing strategies, and activities associated with projects. Examples: business plans, communication and marketing plans, product development, records, certification, licensing, among other strategies; Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity: actions for the sustainable use of socio-biodiversity, associated with the maintenance of natural ecosystems. Examples: actions for territorial and environmental management, in situ conservation of threatened species, agroecological productive systems, prevention and rational use of fire, among others; Recovery of deforested areas: actions such as the implementation and consolidation of Agroforestry Systems (SAFs) and other forms of recovery of deforested areas, recovery of permanent preservation areas (APP) and legal reserves (RL), soil erosion control, among others. INTERVENTION LOGIC This project falls under the “Sustainable Production” (1) component of the logical framework of the Amazon Fund. Click on the following image to view its objectives tree, that is, how the project's outputs and linked to the expected outcomes and impact.
Disbursement Over Time