Path to Scale Funding Dashboard

ACTIVITY • Tropics

Importance of Forest Environmental Assets

  • $28.5M:
  • $28.5M:
  • 2011 - 2019
  • Multilateral:
Participating Organization
RoleOrganization NameRole Definition
ImplementingState of AcreThe organisation that physically carries out the activity or intervention.
Activity Description
CONTEXTUALIZATIONThe state of Acre has a population of approximately 906 thousand inhabitants¹, and since its formation its economic development has been linked to the forest. The state sought to implement an integrated environmental and territorial management, with instruments to promote activities that incorporate, in a sustainable way, forest products and services. Forest production (timber and non-timber) is a relevant economic activity, representing about 17% of the gross value of the state's agricultural production.The Forest Environmental Asset Appreciation Policy², from which the project received its name, was launched by the state of Acre in 2008 with a focus on promoting territorial planning and strengthening sustainable-based production chains.¹ IBGE Source – Estimate for 2021 based on the 2010 demographic census.² The Policy was divided into two programs: the Altered Areas Recovery Program (PRA), which aimed to consolidate areas already deforested through sustainable practices, and the Forest Environmental Asset Program (PVAAF), which prioritized actions to certify sustainable production units for actions to enhance vegetation cover, including through payment for environmental services.THE PROJECTThe project Valorização do Ativo Ambiental Florestal (VAAF)  aimed to valorize environmental and forestry assets through the strengthening of integrated territorial management, the promotion of forestry and agroforestry production chains and technical and financial support to environmental services, with the premise of linking the payment of these services to the adoption of sustainable practices and environmental criteria. In addition, the project was linked to the strategy of consolidating the state's territorial management based on its Ecological-Economic Zoning (EEZ).The project included the modernization of monitoring and control systems through the strengthening of institutions responsible for territorial management, the promotion of sustainable productive practices and the forest management of timber and non-timber products, as well as the promotion of carbon capture via reforestation of degraded areas.Finally,  the project included support to indigenous associations for the preparation of territorial and environmental management plans (PGTA), construction of surveillance posts, team building and physical marking of the limits of 15 indigenous lands (TIs).INTERVENTION LOGICThe VAAF project is part of the four components of the Amazon Fund Logical Framework: "Sustainable Production" (1), "Monitoring and Control" (2), "Territorial Planning" (3) and "Science, Innovation and Economic Instruments" (4).Its direct effects were defined as follows: “the economic activities of sustainable use of forest and biodiversity identified and developed in the municipalities of Tarauacá, Feijó and Manuel Urbano” and “expanded managerial and technical capacities in the state of Acre for the implementation of agroforestry systems, forest management activities, agroextractive production and processing of agroforestry products” (component 1); “institutions for monitoring, control and environmental responsibility of the state of Acre structured and modernized (component 2); “ strengthened management of 15 indigenous lands (TI's) in the municipalities of Santa Rosa do Purus, Feijó, Tarauacá, Cruzeiro do Sul and Mâncio Lima” and “ local territorial planning (municipal EEZ) implemented in six municipalities along BR-364 in the state of Acre” (component 3); and “knowledge and technologies in the production of seedlings of superior individuals of Amazonian species for reforestation purposes produced and disseminated” (component 4).Click on the following image to view its objectives tree, that is, how the project's outputs and linked to the expected outcomes and impact.
Disbursement Over Time