Path to Scale Funding Dashboard

ACTIVITY • Tropics

Consolidating Territorial and Environmental Management in Indigenous Lands

  • $3.3M:
  • $3.3M:
  • 2017 - 2023
  • Multilateral:
Participating Organization
RoleOrganization NameRole Definition
ImplementingIndigenous Work Center (CTI)The organisation that physically carries out the activity or intervention.
Activity Description
CONTEXTUALIZATION The project aims to contribute to the National Policy for Territorial and Environmental Management of Indigenous Land (PNGATI), supporting the development and implementation of Territorial and Environmental Management Plans (PGTA) on indigenous lands. The PGTA is an instrument which comprises the planning, agreed by all the indigenous community involved, of the use of its territory for cultural, environmental and economic purposes. Usually develops around three main themes - territorial protection, management and sustainable use of natural resources and training - but reflects the particularities of each context and local management strategies of indigenous territories. The project submitted by CTI comprises PGTA of development activities in two ITs and implementation of PGTAs in three other involving a large territory (9,375,076 ha) and ethnically diverse public (19,531 indigenous individuals from seven ethnic groups), who inhabits three Brazilian Amazon states. THE PROJECT  In ITs Javari Valley (AM), Krikati (MA) and Governador (MA), the project supports the implementation of three Territorial and Environmental Management Plans (PGTAs), including: i) territorial control and monitoring, training of indigenous environmental managers, monitoring expeditions and workshops for systematization of geo-referenced information in the database; ii) conservation and management of natural resources, with enhancement of crops for food security, rehabilitation and planting of traditional food and medicinal varieties, land reclamation, management turtles, studies of fish fauna, the production chain of fishery resources and of agroextractivist potential, technical assistance and rural extension; iii) reinforcing the transmission of traditional knowledge and technologies; iv) education for environmental management, with the consolidation of Timbira Center for Education and Research “Penxwyj Hempejxà”. In ITs Andirá-Marau (PA and AM) and New Jacundá (PA), the project supports actions for the preparation of PGTAs such as agreeing on work plans, training of indigenous agents, expeditions to ethnomapping, collective building workshops and meetings for PGTA validation. There are also included in the project actions to support governance and organizational and material structures of the eight indigenous associations of ITs Vale do Javari, Krikati and Governor. INTERVENTION LOGIC This project falls under the “sustainable production” (1) and "land-use planning" (3) component of the logical framework of the Amazon Fund.Click on the following image to view its objectives tree, that is, how the project's outputs and linked to the expected outcomes and impact.
Disbursement Over Time